
Age 38, Male

Terre Haute, Indiana, USA

Joined on 11/5/05

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Powerage's News

Posted by Powerage - February 7th, 2012

this new layout looks good! nice job admins!

EDIT: after browsing for a bit, i realized that i don't really care for the new level icons and i don't like the new auras either

plus, all the greasemonkey scripts i use for the BBS are broken now, bah. i had a greasemonkey script i cobbled together (from another greasemonkey script someone else already made, can't remember who made the one i used as a basis for what i did here at the moment) that highlighted the names of the users i liked in one color, gibbering morons in another color, and all of my accounts in another color in the "Users Online" list at the bottom of the list of topics. i quite liked using that one!

yeah, yeah, first world problems, i know.

ah well, i'll get over it. i'll probably update this post later with more of my impressions as time goes on, in the meantime, i better get around to making a new sig and readying a new profile pic/avatar.

but on a lighter note, i'm liking the new emotions. and still, my impression with the layout is mostly positive.

Posted by Powerage - January 6th, 2012

So, you decided to come to my profile, of all places.

Was it something I said? Did I make you angry? sad? laugh? learn?

Are you one of those guys who likes to click profiles at random?

Well, since you're here, feel free to make a comment, I will usually reply.

or don't, I don't care.

Posted by Powerage - December 24th, 2011


Posted by Powerage - November 28th, 2011

Today, November 28, 2011, marks my 25th birthday. This means I've been walking this planet for a quarter-century now.

Holy crap. I'm that old already? where does the time go?

Posted by Powerage - November 5th, 2011

Today, November 5, 2011, marks this account's sixth birthday. Even though my interest in Newgrounds has waxed and waned over the years, you can still count me as a fan of this site.

Thanks everyone for a great six years! I hope the years to come will be splendid, no matter how inactive or active I may be in the future.

Posted by Powerage - August 17th, 2011


Posted by Powerage - August 15th, 2011

Well, it's Clock Day. 10th anniversary too, which is awesome. Even though the number of submissions on Clock Day had declined in recent years, it seems to me that the Clock Crew is still going strong and still making good flashes, which is a great thing. This year, I actually got off my ass and put together a flash for Clock Day. Check it out if you want.

Update: Holy Crap, It made it into the Clock Day 2011 Collection! Thank you Newgrounds Staff!

Happy Clock Day Everyone!

Posted by Powerage - June 19th, 2011

why am i here?

who am I?

Posted by Powerage - June 1st, 2011

nothing to see here, move along now.

Posted by Powerage - May 26th, 2011

this kid will mess you up